Although the root cause of cervical cancer lies in HPV infection, a virus that is transmitt through sexual contact, everyone can reduce their risk by strengthening the body’s cells and increasing substances that protect against cell changes by choosing to eat foods that contain substances that help fight cervical cancer.
Papaya is rich in beta-carotene, calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin A, and vitamin C. These nutrients can effectively prevent cancer because these substances can inhibit the growth of tumors or abnormal cells that may be cancerous cells.
Pomegranate. The important substance in pomegranate that helps us fight cervical cancer is ellagic acid, which is an acid that helps prevent changes in cells in the human body, including inhibiting the growth of abnormal cells that may become cancer cells.
Broccoli is rich in flavonoids, vitamins A, B and C, UFABET, and is consider a vegetable that has properties that can help fight cervical cancer cells.
Green tea contains polyphenols, which are antioxidants in very high amounts. Therefore, it has the ability to help protect cells, prevent free radicals from binding to DNA. Which can harm normal cells and turn them into cancerous cells. However, you should choose to drink green tea without adding a lot of sugar. And without adding milk or artificial creamer.
Green leafy vegetables contain flavonoids, which are antioxidants that can protect cells in the body from harmful germs that can cause cervical cancer.
Whole grains. Nutrients that help fight cancer are not only in vegetables and fruits. But we can also find them in grains such as whole grains and whole wheat. Because whole grains are complex carbohydrates that are still rich in nutrients that are naturally beneficial. Including dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients or various antioxidants. Therefore, it is another type of food that helps reduce the risk.
Garlic and onions are rich in selenium, minerals, vitamins, acids, and various nutrients that have disease-preventing properties. In addition, garlic and onions have anti-inflammatory properties and are pack with antioxidants such as flavonoids.
These foods to prevent cervical cancer are just another easy way to prevent cervical cancer. In fact, we can also strengthen our defense against cervical cancer by avoiding frequent sexual partners. Not having sex at a young age, and using condoms every time we have sex. Including refraining from smoking and using birth control pills for a long time.