Signs that your skin is not as healthy as it should be.

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You may not think of your skin as an organ, but it is actually the largest organ in your body and acts as a barrier to protect you from germs, from physical threats and also helps regulate your internal body temperature. Is also a waterproof body, has heat receptors, a pain sensor to immediately warn you of threats, and helps with the body’s excretion of waste products.

Acne-prone skin is a facial skin condition that is inflamed due to clogged pores due to various reasons such as dirt residue, clogged oil glands under. Acne is considered a facial skin problem that must be treated immediately because if acne is left to occur frequently, it can damage the facial skin, cause acne scars or acne pits, and the face is not smooth.

How to solve acne problems  

  • Treat acne well while you have acne to help it heal as quickly as possible, such as using acne gel or taking medication as recommend by a dermatologist, โปรโมชั่น ufabet. Do not squeeze acne yourself because this may cause more inflammation and infection, which can spread to other skin problems. 
  • See a dermatologist to treat acne scars. There are many treatments such as laser facials to remove acne scars, tighten pores with a facial skin care program. 
  • Nourish your properly with a cream that reduces wrinkles and dark spots or a cream for skin with
    acne problems.

The next skin problem is probably dry, rough. Some people may also experience dry, which may be a clear sign that the is lacking water and moisture. Causing the to appear especially dry and rough, not as shiny as a healthy woman.

How to fix

When the skin is dry and lacks balance, the best and most effective. Way to fix it is to restore balance and moisture. Girls with dry skin should nourish it with moisturizing products regularly. Drink water regularly, and avoid washing the face with warm water. If you can’t reduce being in air-conditioned rooms for long periods. You’ll need to find something to carry with you to add moisture during the day instead.

Dull, dull, and unhealthy skin that looks older than your age is another common skin problem. This is because of daily pollution such as sunlight, light, dust. And smoke, inadequate nourishment, and many other factors that damage. And if you don’t take care of it properly, this problem becomes chronic and harder to fix. 

How to solve the problem

  • Get enough rest and drink at least 8-10 glasses of clean water each day. 
  • Apply sunscreen and moisturizer regularly and protect your face when you are outdoors. 
  • Clean your face properly 
  • Eat foods that contain vitamins and choose to eat all 5 food groups to nourish your from within.
  • Consult a beautician to undergo facial rejuvenation.